Twilight Kiss Serum Supercell (Melasma - Bekas Jerawat - Luka Keloid - Healing Serum)
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Beyond Serum potency, our super cell Twilight Kiss is a healing drop in a bottle inshaAllah. Skin can bounce to its glory and color with radiance only if what it needs is fulfilled. Manfaat Harmonized and balance skin and give help with skin problems like melasma, sensitif skin, scar, keloid, couperose, cysts, stretchmark even bump, fine lines, sun spots, acne scar, active breakouts, bug bites, cold sores, rough patches. Cara Pakai Ambil 1 tetes atau cukup basahi pada ujung jari, usapkan ke area yang membutuhkan bantuan ekstra. Jika kulitmu sensitif, encerkan dengan serum Cendana Dew, Blooming beauty, atau Aging gracefully butter, rose dew, eye serum, dll. Bisa juga dilarutkan ke pembersih all in one seperti Sublime Sandalwood atau lainnya. Komposisi Essential Oil of: German Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, Rose Otto, Cypress, Frankincense, Immortelle, Lavender Cara Penyimpanan Suhu ruang – kulkas (jika tidak digunakan) Masa Kadaluarsa 1-3 tahun Ukuran 5ml

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