Rudbeckia Hirta black eyed susan
COD (Bayar di Tempat)
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Rp0 - Rp13.000
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Sepaket isi 40biji. Biji import UK. Germinasi bagus.Semua foto testi dari pelanggan dan aq sendiri😍 Cocok u daerah panas maupun dingin. Jne oke khusus luar jabodetabek. Tidak terima dropship. Dari web nya: Rudbeckia Hirta Black Eyed Susan. A cheerful, upright annual or short-lived perennial delivering large displays of 2-3in bright yellow flowers with their characteristic brown, domed centres on 2-3ft plants. Thrives in most soils in full sun. Best in full sun, forgives neglect. The seeds need light to germinate, so just press them into the soil surface – don’t bury them. Germinates in 7-30 days @ 70F. #rudbeckia #bunga #biji #benih #bijibunga #benihbunga #bijibungaimport #bijirudbeckia #benihrudbeckia #bungakuning

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